Organic wheat grass powder


Organic wheat grass powder


Organic barley grass powder



Contains a lot of beneficial nutrients

Barley grass meal contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, beta-carotene, B1, B2, B6, C, pantothenic acid, folic acid, etc. It is also rich in organic sodium, protein and minerals. In addition, barley grass contains a nutrient called chlorophyll, which acts as a natural antidote for toxins stored in the gut. All of these nutrients are necessary for our body to be healthy, regenerate and grow.


Contains essential amino acids

Barley grass meal is rich in a variety of amino acids, enzymes and antioxidants that are essential to the human body. Regular intake of barley meal provides the body with adequate amounts of pantothenic acid and folic acid, as well as carotenoids, including beta-carotene. Our bodies need these vital amino acids and antioxidants to fight disease and infection, develop the immune system, and save the body from dangerous free radicals.


5 Most Important Benefits of Barley Grass Meal

Barley is a kind of grass that is used as grain. Barley grass powder is prepared from the dried leaves of the barley grass plant. It is a food that is easy to digest and has high nutritional value. This is considered a complete food by many as it contains most of the essential food nutrients and is also a good source of energy.
